

A'm Kaygee Kobe

My journey as a programmer began more than 5 years ago during my college studies. I’ve completed more than 50 projects using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, WordPress and Python. I have collaborated with talented people to create professional websites.



Technologically creates websites using HTML from scratch


Design professional websites using CSS3


Create responsive websites using programming languages like JavaScript


Creates projects with programming languages like Python

My Skills

Why Hire Me For Your Next Project?

The technological revolution is changing aspect of our lives, and the fabric of society itself. it’s also changing the way we learn and what we learn. Factual knowledge is less prized when everything you ever need to know can be found on your phone. There’s no limit of learning new skills.

Project 1

In this project,  designed a website   showcasing three website developer languages like HTML, CSS and JavaScript. When hovering over a product, that side becomes larger than the other. The button also has a beautiful transition and animation effect, and a background image is added to enhance visual appeal. My coding experience includes website development with HTML, CSS, and programming languages like JavaScript and Python via website like

Project 2

This project involves building an anime picture generator that enables users to fetch a random anime picture and its name. The final version of the project features a button that retrieves data from an API, presenting a random anime picture and its name when clicked. Whenever the ‘Get anime’ button is clicked, we observe a loading effect first, followed by a new picture with a random name. Throughout the project, we will master the use of APIs to fetch data using the try and catch method. 

Project 3

This project involves building an anime picture generator that enables users to fetch a random anime picture and its name. The final version of the project features a button that retrieves data from an API, presenting a random anime picture and its name when clicked. Whenever the ‘Get anime’ button is clicked, we observe a loading effect first, followed by a new picture with a random name. Throughout the project, we will master the use of APIs to fetch data using the try and catch method. 

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Years Experience

I work with many WordPress coders for the past 10 years and it's hard to find someone with this level of skill and strict attention to detail. He was excellent. Did a perfect job and actually exceeded my expectations. I will hire him again.

Vuyi Tyilo
Founder of Mumba Consult

The quick, brown fox jumps over a lazy dog. DJs flock by when MTV ax quiz prog. Junk MTV quiz graced by fox whelps. Bawds jog, flick quartz, vex nymphs. Waltz, bad nymph, for quick jigs vex!

Amman Payne
CEO of Figma

Let's Work Together

The technological revolution is changing aspect of our lives, and the fabric of society itself. it’s also changing the way we learn and what we learn

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